It's The Greatest Time of Year!

🍁It's here!!  It's officially here!  Labor Day has passed so it's the unofficial start to Fall. πŸ‚ Fall is the greatest season!! πŸŽƒ I'm so excited.  With school starting, summer passing, and the cooler weather approaching it means that I get to start making tons and tons of Halloween costumes for all of my fabulous customers.  

I had a lot of fun planning this year's Halloween line and have been waiting on making some of these costumes since last Halloween.  I think you are going to see some characters you know and I hope you see something you love!  

These aren't all of the new tutus for this year, but they are some of my favorites.  

Meet Sally.  She's a lovely rag doll and a main character in Nightmare Before Christmas.  

Dr. Frank N. Furter is here and ready to work!  Lookin' good in his lab coat and pearls. 

This layered bustle is gorgeous with a touch of creepy.  You can be a Spider Queen while rockin' this tutu. 

You have been imprisoned for being fabulous!  Complete with cute little prisoner hat and numbers, you're going to be the sweetest prisoner ever!
This is just a taste of what the Pearls and Tulle Halloween 2017 line has in store.  It's maybe the greatest yet.  I'll show you more soon, but why wait?!  Check out for all the styles including fascinators, accessories, and tiny hats!  There's a lot of good stuff in store!

Life's a party; wear a tutu!
Love ya!


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